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Brittney Durant
Producer and Host of "Y-Chroma Sports"

20 year old Brittney, is an American Ninja Warrior competitor and coach. She has always been very involved in the world of sports. "My mom owned a gymnastics, dance and competitive cheer gym so ever since I could walk I was trying it all. I did gymnastics for 8 years, then transferred over to competitive cheer to focus more on competing as a tumbler and flyer. I continued for 7 years until I was 15 and achieved my dream of competing at The World Championships where my team and I received the bronze. Although, I have pretty bad scoliosis which took me out of the sport for good, and anything active for at least a year. Once I could ease into sports again, I found a ninja gym and fell in love with it. I was lost without being an athlete before, so it felt good to feel like me again. A few things I really stand by is pushing limits and believing that nothing defines you, especially the aspect of being a woman. This is what I hope other women and young girls will receive from my show Y-Chroma Sports. If you believe you can accomplish something, put in the work, and follow through unapologetically, even if it scares you, you can ultimately be limitless. world of sports".

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